Monday, April 25, 2011
Annabel and Ariel

Saturday, April 23, 2011
Successful Foster Story: Deborah and Leon

A friend of All Sentient Beings found Leon, a sweet cat who loves to be petted. He had nowhere to go, so ASB found him a loving foster home with Deborah and her family, including her cats, Jeter, Gypsy and Cheddar.
According to Deborah, Leon has adapted beautifully and is now a full-fledged member of the family, with everyone taking a great liking to him! He loves to pull out toys from a bin and play with them. Leon also enjoys playing with the other cats and has even helped shy Cheddar to hide less and feel comfortable with more petting.
Deborah says, “Leon is such a great cat! Thank you for the opportunity to foster him.”
Monday, April 11, 2011
Happy Tails: Amy & Maeve

In early April 2009, I had just moved out of a horrible midtown rental and was crashing at various friends' and relatives' pads while waiting to close on my first co-op, a lovely studio near Columbus Circle. At a local bakery, I noticed All Sentient Beings' poster of Maeve the Celtic Calico. Her lovely markings and heartbreaking story were compelling, but it was her scared little face I could not turn away from; you could see the despair in her eyes over being given up by her family. I could not believe such a sweet, beautiful, healthy cat and long-term member of a family had been so rudely abandoned!
I contacted Gregg immediately, was lucky enough to meet Maeve that evening, and loved my precious Maeve at first sight. While the petite kitty was lucky to be rescued from the shelter by ASB and fostered kindly by Gregg, she was in obvious distress over Gregg's much larger and more boisterous feline roommates.
I signed the adoption papers and would have loved to take Maeve home immediately but had no home yet. Rather than keep little Maeve waiting another ten days for her new mommy, Gregg suggested, in her typical problem-solving fashion, that I should stay in her guest room with Maeve so we could both have some peace and quiet - and bonding!
Maeve has been my trusty companion ever since, and we soon moved into our beloved Columbus Circle studio. Finally owning my first home was immeasurably better with my four-legged friend to share it. We settled in to enjoy the place together, and I could not have found a better roommate. Maeve is beautiful inside as well as out, and not only has the renowned feline intelligence and poise, but grace, courage, and empathy. She bounced back from her death row ordeal quickly, making our new apartment a real home.
We often fell asleep watching Animal Planet (Maeve loves Cesar Milan and his antics with silly canines) or doing homework (me reading a book and her sitting on it), and I'd wake up feeling her snowy paw caressing my face and reminding me gently that it was time for breakfast. She has charmed friends and family alike with her kittenish but always ladylike manners.

In August 2010, I had to uproot little Maeve again to start my clinical psychology doctoral program in Huntsville, Texas at Sam Houston State University, where pets are considered colleagues. Maeve adjusted to the Wild West much more gracefully than her mommy and is keeping me sane despite the insanity of the graduate student path. She patrols for armadillos and other dangers from her perch on the windowseats and is always finding new sights and smells to marvel at in the "Republic of Texas."
Especially now, my little Maeve is priceless, everything else I can buy with MasterCard - after I pay off my student loans! Thank you Gregg and everyone at ASB!!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Sweet gray male cat needs help

Thursday, April 7, 2011
Meet Spotty

Monday, April 4, 2011
Allergies and Pets