The League of Humane Voters is a remarkable organization that has information for you on its web page and works so hard to inform NYC on vitally important animal issues, from the terrible fires in the pet stores to working with the NY City Council to rectify the glitches in our system. LOHV-NYC is devoted to electing humane lawmakers and lobbying for stronger animal welfare laws, such as demanding to know now, why a bill introduced 10 years ago with the support of more than a majority of council members, has yet to be scheduled for a hearing.
This bill, Intro 417, has been languishing due, according to many rumors, to the opposition from Speaker Christine Quinn. The bill would not only be a pet protection but a public safety bill, in that not only animals were killed, but fire-fighters have had to go to hospital, just putting out the pet store fires. The bill would ensure the installation of sprinklers in all pet stores and seems perfectly Humane to us. Look up the LOHV online to get the latest information on how you can help. If you visit LOHV-NYC or better, join them, Executive Director John Phillips will keep you in the loop; this way you can take action on this and other urgent issues; being pro-active, is, after all, the name of the game.

This organization has been around for a while, in different incarnations and I've been active in it for about 25 years. Elizabeth Forel runs a wonderful group which you can join by jumping right into the fray. She puts out an email information sheet, Horse Sense, which has weekly updates about issues and actions concerning the city's poor, ill-used and abused carriage horses.
Learn who's on our side on the Council (clue: he's running against Bloomberg for Mayor) and where to join us in our protests and activists events. Come to the programs and fund-raisers, contact your city council member, And volunteer: every weekend, weather permitting, they set up a table near the hack line to educate tourists and New Yorkers alike, about the inhumanities of the horse-drawn carriage industry. It's from Sat/Sun from 1-5pm.
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