Dear Gregg,
Since 2001, the first summer I brought him from his city living to Sewall House, Westy has served as solace and companion not only to us but to many of you. Guests have photographed Westy and sent pictures, he has jumped on their lap and kept them company by the fireplace and often could be found on the porch. Even when he went blind he still knew his way around our property and never wandered off, like he knew where home was. As he grew slower and older, he would still come down the stairs to greet us when we pulled in the driveway. The Monday before Thanksgiving Kent bravely had Westy put out of his suffering, always a difficult decision for any animal owner.
We miss you Westy, I will think of you, as you often did, coming to me when I meditated or sleeping with Kent as he napped. I had Westy almost 18 years and we went through alot together. Blessings, Westy our friend.
-Donna Davidge
Sewall House
1 comment:
After dear Westy we had blind Lucy walk into our lives. Someone had dumped her by the lake, we thought she had an eye infection but when i took her to the vet they reported she was perfectly healthy and they had named her Helen! Why? She was blind by birth, her nose was a bit squished in too but she was the MOST BEAUTIFUL< LOVING and HAPPY kitten you would know. Soon she went into heat, that was fun, and the closest place was 2 hrs away that could take her pronto and with a guest house we needed to do it! (and for her). Fast forward, out guests loved her ( we run a yoga retreat) but she developed intermittent irritable bowel and tho that could be managed we were also terribly concerned some unassuming guest might let her out. No one in Maine wanted her but GOD BLESS the NYC network. I told Gregg and also mentioned it in my yoga classes. Sophia Dalle, one of my students, put me in touch with the Mayors Animal Alliance and a girl named Krystelle said they had a rescue no kill group for special needs kitties, i was not so sure. i wanted to know where and to whom she might go. When my husband insisted I recontacted her and within a few days she called me with a contact thru Animal Kind who wanted a blind kitty and had been disappointed when we had pulled her off the network! My dear sweet girl was going to a woman in Arlington Mass who had 3 other kitties. My husband delivered her and immediately she started to investigate and did well with the other 3 cats (she loves other beings!) God Bless this new owner and all the miracles and people that kept my Lucy in the world! ( we renamed her Lucy, my husband hated helen!) Her big brother Shanti, a big black coon my husband saved from being 7 mos in a shelter, misses her every day too. Soon my kitty Annie, a foster I took in from a contact of gregg's who is a plus annie, will join shanti chasing the wind in Maine!
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